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Instructions for On-Line Booking Using the Skedda Software



These instructions are provided to aid in navigating the Skedda Booking Software. For any questions regarding BOOKING an Event Center, support via email is available from the Site Administrator at Although telephone support is not available, our goal is to reply to all emails within 24-hours of receipt. We welcome your comments and suggestions for ways to improve our Booking process.



Tip: When Calendar Loads, entries on calendar show already booked, hover cursor over entry or tap entry to see which Event Center is booked


New User on Computer (Friday, Saturday and Sunday Booking)

Click: Red Banner on Home Page, brings up "Booking Friday-Sunday" page

Read Carefully: Conditions related to booking on Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Read Carefully: The Rental Rules the key to your deposits being returned after your events

Pay Close Attention: Paragraph titled VERY IMPORTANT

Click: VIEW CALENDARS- BOOK. Booking calendar for Current Month appears (Month View)

Navigate: Use the > arrow at the top to the month of choice, < arrow goes back a month

Note: Resting cursor over a calendar entry tells which Center is Booked for that day

Click: The day number of choice in the calendar square, gives Day View for chosen day

Move Cursor: to column under the Event Center of choice. (Available – Green), (Booked – Red)

Click: Any Green under the Event Center of choice, Booking Screen appears

Click: Book, registration screen appears

Enter: First and Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Credit Card Information

Click: Save, the Information will be stored for next time use

Review: Carefully review booking information for correct date, time and Event Center

Click: Confirm Booking

Email: A confirmation email is sent to email address

Note: Next visit, when calendar loads, click on person icon on lower left screen to login


New User on Phone or Tablet (Friday, Saturday and Sunday Booking)

Tap: Red Banner on Home Page, brings up "Booking Friday-Sunday" page

Read Carefully: Conditions related to booking on Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Read Carefully: The Rental Rules the key to your deposits being returned after your events

Pay Close Attention: Paragraph titled VERY IMPORTANT

Tap:  "VIEW CALENDARS – BOOK", booking calendar for Current Month appears (Grid View)

Tap: Down arrow and you get the Current Month Calendar

Tap:  The > arrow until you get to the month of choice

Tap: On the day number of choice, you should see that date come up in Grid View

Tap: On the date and day (ex.15 Sun), gives Day View for chosen date

Tap: Anywhere under the Event Center of choice, New Booking Screen appears

Tap: Book, registration screen appears

Enter: First and Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Credit Card Information

Tap: Save, the Information will be stored for next time use

Review: Carefully review booking information for correct date, time and Event Center

Tap: Confirm Booking

Email: A confirmation email is sent to email address

Note: Next visit, when calendar loads, click on person icon lower left screen to login




 The procedures are a little different depending on the day of the week when an Event date is desired to be booked. Since the booking procedures are different for Monday – Thursday than for Friday – Sunday, the calendars you will see are arranged with Monday as the first day of the week. This displays the two different day blocks in a more readable manner.

Everyone enters the Skedda Booking Software in Visitor Mode and establishes User Status through either the Booking process or the Registration process.

When visiting the Booking Site those who have booked or registered have the ability to log in from Visitor Mode to User Mode using a password. Logging in to the site gives the ability for Users to view their upcoming Bookings.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Bookings

Bookings are Full-day from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm and are Self-Booked on-line using a Credit Card.

Bookings can be made from 183 days (6 months) to 2 days prior to the date of the Event being booked.

Site visitors, that Self-Book a date, are Automatically Registered and the four pieces of data needed (name, email address, phone number and Credit Card number) are collected, used and securely stored for potential future use.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Bookings

Generally, are shorter-term Bookings of at least 4 hours, but there are a few full days that can be booked. Bookings cannot be Self-Booked, but are manually booked on-line by the Site Administrator and paid for by a Registered User with a Credit Card. The time restrictions are also 183 days to 2 days prior to the Event.

Self-Registration is the way the needed information (name, email address, phone number and Credit Card number) gets into the Booking System for use by the Site Administrator to book on-line and charge to a Credit Card. Instructions for Self-Registration are included below.



Information for All Users

If you have gotten to this point on the website you have probably looked at the information available describing the two Event Centers. If you are interested in checking for vacant dates of interest at either of the Centers, read through all the information on the website "Booking Friday-Sunday" page and Click the VIEW CALENDARS - BOOK link. This does not commit you to booking anything, but allows you to look at the Booking Calendars. Clicking the link loads the Skedda Booking software and you will be in Visitor Mode. You will be in MONTH view and see the Calendar for the current month. You will also see at the top of the screen the various other Views that are available; DAY, MONTH, GRID, and LIST and the highlight over the MONTH.

DAY view – Shows both Event Centers side by side. If an Event Center is Booked for Friday, Saturday or Sunday for the date shown, there will be a gray vertical line on the left side of the column for that Center. Hovering the cursor over the column of a not booked Center should turn the column to a green color. For the days of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, the vertical gray lines on the left side of each column show the times already booked with white screen inside the column. Move the cursor outside the white screen and the column turns red for the rest of the hours that are available for booking at a Center Use the side arrows to change the day or drop-down arrows to change the month and day.

MONTH view – Shows a calendar which includes both Event Centers. If there is a booking on a certain date it will mean a Center is booked. Hover the cursor over the booking to see which Center is booked. Two bookings on a date means both Centers are booked for that date. Use the side or drop-down arrows to change the month

GRID view – Shows a day-by-day list for both Event Centers side by side for the month shown in the date field. Use the drop-down arrow to change the day or month.

LIST view – Contains two sub-lists, one titled All Bookings and the other My Bookings. These lists only cover about a 45-day period from the current date. To cover a longer period, scroll the MONTH or GRID View.

Use these Views to look for dates of interest. If you find a vacant date or time and want to pursue Booking that date or time on a certain date, the information below should guide you depending on your situation and the day of the week of interest. As always, if you have questions, you may email the Site Administrator at

First Time Users – Booking Friday, Saturday, Sunday Dates

1. Stay in the MONTH view or click the GRID View (where both Centers are shown side by side) to find vacant dates or to check on a certain date you may be interested in Booking.

2. When you have settled on a vacant date to book for one of the centers, click on DAY view and make the date to be booked the date at the top of the screen.

NOTE: If your selected date does not fall within the range of no more than 183 days (6 months) prior and no less than 2 days prior, you will receive an error message and you should try a new date within the 6 months to 2 days range. See the "Booking Friday-Sunday" page on the website at for information on dates and associated charges for Booking and Cancellation.

3. If there is a gray vertical line on the left side of an Event Center column, that Center is booked for the day. If there is a vacancy for an Event Center, the 10 am to 11 pm block should change from white to Green when the cursor is placed over it. Click anywhere on the Green beneath the name of the vacant Center to Book.

4. At the top of the page that appears next; the date, hours, name of Event Center and cost will show. Also, on this top line there will be a BOOK and CANCEL. Check the information carefully for accuracy and if OK, click on BOOK or CANCEL to undo the booking.

5. The NEW BOOKING screen should appear; add you email address and click NEXT and the Booking Screen should appear prefilled with most of the information. Add your first and last name, your telephone number and any of the other information to better describe your event. Then enter your Credit Card information.

6. Click the box to indicate that you have read the Venue Terms, Software Terms, and Privacy Policy. The Software Term and Privacy Policy are Skedda documents for your review. The Venue Terms are the Karns Community Club Rules and Policies that are on the "Booking Friday-Sunday" page and you should have read them as you scrolled to get to the VIEW CALENDARS - BOOK link. If not, take the opportunity to read them now as they must be followed if you expect to receive a return of your deposits.

7. Before you click on Confirm booking, review all the information on the NEW BOOKING form. Once Booked you may not be eligible to self-cancel the booking. Make sure you have read and understood the  Cancellation Policy on the "Booking Friday-Sunday" page. When everything is complete, Click on Confirm Booking and you are done. Your booking registers you on the Skedda booking site for future bookings and allows you to check on your booking, if necessary. You should shortly receive an email confirming your booking. For any questions, email:

Registered Users – Booking Friday, Saturday, Sunday Dates

On the "Booking Friday-Sunday" page, click on the VIEW CALENDARS -  BOOK link. When the software loads, you are in Visitor Mode. You have the option of logging in to User Mode (click Login on the bottom left and enter your login information) or staying in Visitor Mode until the time of Booking, like described above for New Users. The advantage of logging in to User Mode up-front is you can see details of your other forthcoming Bookings. When you log in, the Screen with the DAY - MONTH - GRID - LIST heading will appear and you will be in DAY view for the current month and Day. Use the drop-down arrow next to the date to change the Month and Day or Click on the Month or Grid Views to look for vacant dates.

Follow the same procedure as written above for First Time Users, except if you logged in you will not be asked for your login information again when creating a New Booking.

First Time Users - Registering and Booking Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Dates

Read through the information on the "Booking Mon-Thurs" page on the website and click on the VIEW CALENDARS - BOOK link. When the software loads, you are in Visitor Mode. When you find a vacant date to book for one of the Event Centers during these four days, in MONTH View click on DAY view and make the date to be booked the date at the top of the screen. Gray lines on the left side of each column show the times already booked with white screen inside the column. Move the cursor outside the white screen and the column turns red for the rest of the hours that are available for booking at a Center. To continue the booking process, follow the procedures detailed below.

You must Register to allow the Site Administrator to Manually Book your Event and charge your Credit Card. The Skedda booking software does not allow KCC to enter your Credit Card information into the system; therefore, you must enter it yourself through the Registration process.

To Register, email the Site Administrator at and ask to be sent the Registration Link Email.

When you receive the email, Click on the link in it and you will be taken to the Skedda Registration screen.

Fill in the email address and name information on that screen, Click the information box, and Click on the “Register” Box.

You will receive a “Thanks for Signing Up” email asking you to “Confirm your account and set up a login”.

 Click on the “Confirm your account” box and you will go to a password setup screen. Enter and confirm a password.  After confirming your password, Click the information box and Click on the “Set password and login” box.

Skedda will then load. On the lower left side of the screen there is a people icon representing Profile.

 Click on the icon and on My Profile, you will see that all your data has been loaded except for your phone number. Enter your phone number (must be able to receive texts) and your Credit Card information at the bottom. Click on the information box and Click on Save All Changes. 

You will receive an email confirming” Your credit card details were changed.”

When you have chosen a date or dates you want the Site Administrator to book for you, email the information to and they will be booked and the correct amount charged to your Credit Card. You will receive an email when that has been completed.

If you have problems navigating the Registration process, email the Site Administrator at


Registered Users - Booking Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Dates

Read through the information on the "Booking Mon-Thurs" page on the website and click on the VIEW CALENDARS - BOOK link. When the Skedda software loads, you are in Visitor Mode. You have the option of logging in to User Mode (click Login on the bottom left and enter your login information) or staying in Visitor Mode until the time you have selected the Event Center and date. The advantage of logging in to User Mode up-front is you can see details of your other forthcoming Bookings. When you log in, the Screen with the DAY - MONTH - GRID - LIST heading will appear and you will be in DAY view for the current month and Day. Use the drop-down arrow next to the date to change the Month and Day or Click on the Month or Grid Views to look for vacant dates.

When you have found a vacant date to be booked for you by the Site Administrator, email that information to



1. If you want to see your current booking more than about 45 days out, you have to manually scroll through the Month or Grid view.

2. For Friday, Saturday and Sunday full-day Bookings, if you are in the Day view and for some reason cannot use the cursor to select the date and Event Center, you can click on the Green PLUS and enter the information manually. You will have to enter the hours 10 am to 11 pm (any other entry will end up with an error message), select which Center (i.e., “Event Center CC” or “Event Center YC”) and enter the other requested information before Confirming the Booking.


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